The next step is to freeze layer 01 to remove the box image. The layer 02 entities should
remain visible. The instructions for both older and newer software follow starting with older
To freeze layer 01 type ‘layer > f > 01’ and finish with 2 ‘returns.’ Skip the next paragraph.
For newer software, type ‘Layer >’ or click the layer icon.
The layer window appears. In the third column from the left - called ‘Freeze in all VP’ - are
yellow box icons. Click the ‘Freeze in all VP’ box icon that is in the
layer 01 row. It changes to a different icon that looks like a snowflake.
Layer ‘01’ is now frozen. Finally, click the OK option at the bottom of the
The red entities will vanish until the layer is thawed.
Perform a Zoom > 0.5X to show the entities in the middle of the screen before moving to task 23.